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Pee Pee eee Se Gaby we ater ee ES On iE sans ‘ Don dae ame ih w ak yo Seer a ité i 49 Fert | a femope val at peWe Yor sehen + bo Me Meee wwe Seb eb eed yO an deine a2 toe! et an Gand an ttn oi iy iW i i) f, a Pils f Bhs , WAVUR AY PU al ; egy THE meu RN AT OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. Pow & { 1 ar ZOOLOGY. | Oeg> ee Ve ee \% wes VOL. XIII. Ke ¥ ip Ny, ¢ Cy, | LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE, AND BY LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER, AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 1878. Dates of Publication of the several Numbers included in this Volume. No. 65, » 66, » 97, », 68, » 69, » 40, » “1, > 02, pp. 1-46, was published September 19, 1876. » 47-109, ,, 110-185, , 185-260, , 261-334, » 335-384, ., 385-457, » 457-530, December 15, ,, February 28, 1877. June 5, 3 June 20, 3 August 20, a September 25, _,, February 27, 1878. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STRBET. LIST OF PAPERS. Auiman, Professor, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., &e. The Anniversary Address of the President for 1876.—Recent Researches among some of the more simple Sarcode Organ- Bertisec Guy itt LO ood Cubs.) crt akonate iY twit ile nurs S elegans The Anniversary Address of the President for 1877.—Recent Researches among some of the more simple Sarcode Organ- isms. (Second Notice.) (With 17 woodcuts.)............ AnpDERSON, Dr. Joun, F.L.S. &c., Curator of Indian Museum, Cal- cutta. On the Habits of Hornbills, being extract of a Letter to Dr. J. Murtes ces si tal ate SUA a a ge eer i IRR Ro Ia ere Baty, JosEPH, S., Esq., M.R.C.S., F.L.S., &e. Descriptions of Genera and Species of Australian Phytophagous HS Sep leary termes Seer semitone ene ev ohana a ata ANet«P- st areth aan enctare aay ae Buriter, Artuur G., F.L.S., F.Z.8., &c., Senior Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. Descriptions of two new Lepidopterous Insects from Malacca.. On new Species of the Genus Huptychia, with a tabular view of those hitherto recorded. (Plate XII.) ...............: The Butterflies of Malacca. (Abstract.)........... CARPENTER, P. HERBERT, B.A., Biological Master at Eton College. On the Genus Actinometra, Mill., with a Morphological Ac- count of a new Species (4. polymorpha) from the Philippine stands aC Mos tracts) > ict eed palePe Curasak wc nol osie a eae CxiaRrke, The Rey. Ropert, F.LS., and Prof. Sr.-GzoreE Mivarr, Secretary of the Linnean Society. Page 261 440 On the Sacral Plexus and Sacral Vertebree of Lizards. ( Abstract.) 370 iv Page CoBBoxp, T. Spencer, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., Correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia. Trematode Parasites from the Dolphins of the Ganges, Plata- nista gangetica and Orcella brevirostris. (Plate X. and wood- (It Pe SSG o.c c's 9 5 <6 OS ean Rene CP rites 3 Sint c 30 CoLuLETT, Ropert, Esq., Conservator, University Museum, Chris- tiania, C.M.Z.8., &e. On: Diyodes lemmuisHmNOEWway eats. «ss. cuss oo nemo 527 Crotcu, W. Duppa, Esq., M.A., F.L.S. On the Migration and Habits of the Norwegian Lemming .... 27 Additional Note relative to the Norwegian Lemming........ 83 Further Remarks on the Lemming. (Plate XIII.).......... 157 Day, Francis, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &e. | On some Irish Gasterostei. (With a woodcut.) ............ 110 Geographical Distribution of Indian Freshwater Fishes :— Part I. The Acanthopterygii, Spiny-rayed Te' PpSIeRD Fishes. 138 art 00, Che Silumideas G2. xokavstd.ereietal etl eet ete et alllnh a alec 388 On Amphibious and Migratory Fishes of Asia. cwith a wood- GU Yoder SRG OtB ches cae coren en Grace Aaa oben into a id aA Ne Ca coo 198 Doran, ALBAN H. G., F.R.C.S. Morphology of the Mammalian Osstcula auditis. (Abstract.).. 185 ErHeripGEe, Ropert, Jun., F.G.S., and Prof. Nrcnouison, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.L.S. Notes on the Genus